Back to the 80s (musical)

Back To The 80's
... The Totally Awesome Musical!
Music Neil Gooding
Lyrics Neil Gooding
Book Neil Gooding

Back to the 80's is a musical written by Neil Gooding with original musical adaption by Scott Copeman. It was originally staged by Neil Gooding Productions Pty Ltd in Sydney, Australia in 2004.[1] It is a popular show for school productions in the English speaking world.[2]

The musical contains pop songs from the 1980s as well as songs written by Neil Gooding.



Back to the 80's tells the story of the 1989 graduating class of William Ocean high as seen through the narrator, Corey Palmer who is now living in the year 2001. Throughout the story, Corey Sr introduces and provides insight for various characters.

The then 17-year-old Corey is madly in love with his next-door neighbor, Tiffany Houston, one of the coolest girls in the school. However, she barely notices this, as she is too busy mooning over Michael Feldman, the hottest guy around. Michael and his friends are athletic and good-looking - the kind of guys that Corey and his two best friends dream of being. However, while they may not be the coolest guys in school, they are still one up on Feargal McFerrin III, whose best friend is his computer, and who believes the crazy notion that one day CDs will replace cassette tapes.

The school year kicks off with the election of the senior class president. Just before elections, Michael steals Corey's election idea, which ends up in Michael winning. (Of course the promise to kiss any girl that votes him helps.) Later in the year, a new girl joins the school, Eileen Reagan. She becomes friends with Laura Wilde and Debbie Fox who's boyfriends are in Miami on "business". (Let's Hear It for the Boy) Meanwhile, math teacher Steven Cocker (Mr. Cocker), finally gets Sheena Brannigan (Ms. Brannigan) to go out on a date with him.

As the year progresses, Corey finally racks up the courage to ask Tiffany to be his girlfriend. Unfortunately Michael also decides to ask Tiffany. Both compete for her in I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles). In the end, Tiffany chooses Michael. As the weeks passed, Corey to bring-up his forgotten idea of a school concert that Michael stole and convinces Mr. Cocker to out it on. Shortly after, Mr. Cocker finds out the Ms. Brannigan was a centerfold for a swimsuit magazine and is upset that she "lied" to him. The act ends with both Mr. Cocker and Ms. Brannigan convincing the class to put on the concert. (Man in the Mirror)

Act 2 opens up with the senior class putting on their concert for their parents. Corey, looking to gain status, puts on a party at his house, the Love Shack as he calls it. (Love Shack) However, his parents arrive home early from their trip and Corey gets caught. Later in the year, Eileen finds who has been putting love letters in her locker, Michael. (Walking on Sunshine) Mr. Cocker, who still thinks about the centerfold, goes completely mad. (Centerfold)

Prom is approaching, and Billy ask Cyndi Gibson to the prom, Never Gonna Give You Up, but is turned down since she is a Material Girl. As another letter from Michael and the gang goes into Eileen's locker, they get caught by Eileen. Michael tells her that it was all a joke and it wasn't that big of a deal. Tiffany, who watched the whole thing, decides to breakup with him. Fergal finally intervenes after Eileen runs off the stage crying and fights with Michael. Nearly beaten though, he asks Mr. Myagi for advice and beats Michael with a kick to the face. Tiffany later catches Corey cheering-up Eileen and admits she wants to go to the prom with him, but it is too bad he is taken. Corey admits that he turned down all requests only because he would only go to the prom with her.

During prom, the older Corey tells where everybody is now. (See: "Life for the characters after school") The act concludes with the conclusion of everybody singing (I've Had) The Time of My Life.



Corey Palmer Sr.- The narrator of the show. Corey Sr is pushing 30, living in the year 2001, and reminiscing about the 80s (his school days), and his love for Tiffany Houston. He is able to move the story along, comment on action as it is happening, and even provide the internal thoughts of his younger version (Corey Palmer Jr) in the midst the action.

The Regular kids

Corey Palmer- The hero of the musical. Although it does not focus solely on him, the story is largely about his life, and the people and events surrounding him throughout the 1980s. He is 17 during his senior year.

Alf Bueller-One of Corey Junior's two best friends. At one point in the play Alf insists that he has a day off, an homage to 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'

Kirk Keaton-Corey's other best friend. He and his two best friends come from excellent homes and are probably considered to be the "nice" boys of their year.

The popular girls

Tiffany Houston- Tiffany is one of the group of girls that "Just Wanna Have Fun". She is a cute, bubbly teenage female from the 80s - aspiring to be Cyndi Lauper and Madonna rolled into one. This brings with it the burdens aspiring to be a material girl - big hair and copious amounts of make-up. She has been Corey Jr's neighbor since they were born, and they are good friends. She seems oblivious to his deep-seated love for her, probably because she is too busy mooning over Michael Feldman - and applying more blue eye shadow.

Cyndi Gibson-One of Tiffany's best friends. Rather than having a best friend, all these kids seem to have groups of best friends. Whereas Tiffany is fairly innocent, naive and doe-eyed about boys and love, Cyndi is more street-smart. Cyndi knows that boyfriends are a passport to attention and presents. As with every other female, she would love to have a fling with Michael Feldman, but she settles from time to time for Billy Arnold, or Lionel Astley, or Huey Jackson - or anyone else from the football team who is around.

Mel Easton- Another one of the inner clique of "the cool girls". She is an all-singing, all-dancing party girl who seems to be happy to be taken along with the group of girls, and burst into song whenever the opportunity arises. With her twin sister Kim, she seems to have a natural affinity for harmonizing, and for backing up solo singers, which is very lucky because Cyndi and Tiffany both continually break into show-stopping 80s tunes.

Kim Easton-The twin sister of Mel. Mel and Kim are new to the school, however they have been friends with Cyndi for a long time, so they are automatically accepted into her group. Kim does not do well at school, and makes the decision halfway through their senior year to leave. However, she is talked out of this by her friends. The option of parties, boys and a little bit of studying is far more tempting than working nine to five.

The cool guys

Michael Feldman-The coolest guy in the school. The girls all fall at his feet. He is a car-driving, Fonzie-styled football star. He has the romantic attention of all the girls, but particularly Tiffany Houston (who Corey just happens to be in love with.) Michael is very suave in the presence of any females. However, when they are not around he shows his true colours - he is a mean, manipulative oaf who picks on smaller kids. The girls never seem to see this side of him though. To them, he is a God. Fortunately, by pure coincidence, his name can be shortened to "Mickey".

Billy Arnold-One of Michael Feldman's posse. Another popular, good-looking, athletic guy. The kind of person that every 17-year-old wants to be (particularly if they are not popular, good-looking or athletic!!) When Billy is around Michael and his group, they all assume coolness. But, like the others, when he is by himself, Billy is a little lost, particularly without Michael's advice. He makes the misguided decision to dress up like Rick Astley and hire backup singers in an attempt to serenade his way into the heart of Cyndi.

Lionel Astley-Lionel is fairly similar to Billy. All of the cool guys walk and talk the same way, but they all have slightly individual personalities. The group is stronger than the individuals. In Lionel's case, he is not quite as cool as the others, but because he is in the group, the girls put up with him anyway.

Huey Jackson-The final guy to round out the group of Michael Feldman's friends. Not much else to be said - big hair, wears clothes that were cool at the time, but now just look like fluorescent mismatches of colour. Huey is an 80s tragic - he is the only member of the cool group to go as far as wearing a white Michael Jackson glove - as was the fashion of the day!

The Nerds and outcasts

Feargal McFerrin III- The school nerd! Feargal is a nice, sensitive young male - but that doesn't count for much when you are 17, get good marks at school, wear glasses...and still a virgin! As a side note, pretty much everyone in the show are virgins, but at least it is conceivable that the others may not stay that way until they are 30. With Feargal, this is a definite possibility! Feargal is supremely intelligent, but his visions of life in the new millennium are always laughed at. He also has a thing going on with Eileen. He is taking self-defense classes with Mr Miyagi, which proves very fortunate towards the end of the show!

Eileen Reagan-Eileen arrives at William Ocean High School during the middle of the year. She is a charming girl - full of life and vitality. She is also a dreamer who lovingly longs for the day when she has a boyfriend. However, she is rejected by the popular girls upon her arrival to the school, so she is destined to hang around some of the less popular girls at the school (namely Laura and Debbie). Consequently, the boys are rather cold to her, and some of them make fun of her behind her back.

Laura Wilde-One of the girls that adopts Eileen into their group when she arrives at the school. Laura and Debbie have been best friends for years. This is not necessarily by choice, but more by the fact that neither of them fitted in anywhere else, so they found each other. They are basically nice girls, but they have no luck with boyfriends. However, this does not stop them from spending hours ogling at posters and dreaming about various singers.

Debbie Fox-As with Laura, Debbie is happy to accept Eileen into their group of two people - because there is safety in numbers when you are not accepted as being cool. She also has a tendency to spend too much time looking at posters of all the movie hunks of the time. Both girls have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy. They make up imaginary boyfriends to impress each other, and these boyfriends always seem to take on the features of the pinup of the month. Strangely, neither girl has ever met any of the numerous boyfriends that the other has had.

The teachers

Sheena Brannigan-One of two teachers at the school to be seen. She is around 30, and is the Senior Students Co-ordinator and an English teacher. On the surface in front of classes of children she seems very reserved, very friendly and slightly conservative. What they don't know is that at 18 she posed nude for Hustler. She has an on again, off again relationship with Mr. "Stevie" Cocker. That is to say, it was on while he did not know of her history, and off when he discovers that she stripped for a magazine shoot for $100. She is terribly embarrassed because of this, and tries to hide it from Cocker, but he inevitably finds out. She realizes by the end that she needs him in her life to be happy. They get married in the end.

Steven "Stevie" Cocker-The Deputy Principal and math (Calculus) teacher at William Ocean High School. He is one of only two teachers who will appear in the show. Steven sees a future together with Sheena, but has major issues when he discovers he is dating a former centerfold (even though she is now a respectable, conservative English teacher.) Steven has problems with erasing the images of Sheena's prior modeling from his mind. He is surprised that his "homeroom angel is a centerfold." He also realizes that he needs to go back to her or move on, which is absolutely impossible for him. He awkwardly asks her to prom, and they get back together. He marries her and becomes principal later.

Background characters

Gemstones - spunky, upbeat girls who love to sing and dance. No lines are really included for these parts.

Pete The Pirate (mascot) - the school's mascot. No lines are really included for this part.

Yoda - as seen one time in Corey Jr's dreams as a Star Wars Dream Sequence. Yoda shows up teaching Luke (Corey)the ways of the Force.

Mr Myagi - the famous karate teacher from "The Karate Kid" is the grounds keeper in this play. Although never seen, his voice appears at least once during the fight scene when Feargal is nearly beaten and pleads for help. This character is NEVER seen (unless a director decides to show a train scene with Feargal and Myagi [Which is not in the official script]).

Life for the characters after school

Corey was never married to Tiffany, however his life is fine as a single. He is dating a fashion designer and he says he'll 'see how it goes'.

Feargal married Eileen after he stuck up for her when he heard Michael put fake love letters in her locker. They stay married for the rest of their lives. He also became a billionaire along with his good friend Bill Gates, when they created the World Wide Web. Later he created a hit number one single 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' selling millions of copies, which made him millions more.

Kirk married a Woman he met in Disneyland in 1998.

Alf has not yet been married and is destined to remain a bachelor to the grave.

All three men try to play golf once a fortnight - they managed to keep in touch after graduation.

Tiffany eventually married someone in Chicago and had two children.

Cyndi never got together with Billy and instead became a democrat politician.

Mel and Kim married two identical twins and had two sets of triplets and were actually featured in Guinness Book of World Records.

Billy, Lionel and Huey started their own chain of skating rinks but when skating went out of fashion, they were turned into car parks.

Laura and Debbie became millionaires when they created the biggest dating agency in the USA. Their company became bankrupt and now live in a ditch somewhere is Zimbabwe.

Michael tried out for the NFL, but was forced into early retirement after a groin injury. He has had two wives and four kids. He is also a Baptist minister in New Orleans.

Mr. C and Miss B were married and still teach at Williams Ocean High School. Mr Cocker has become the school principal. They had a child together and called her Angelina.

Musical numbers

The song lists are different for: Australia and New Zealand; Canada and the United States; and the United Kingdom. Songs have been taken out and/or removed in each case. The full song list is below with country flags indicated for discrepancies between song list.

Act One

  1. One of the following songs:
  2. One of the following songs:
    • "Kids in America" - Featured Female Singer with Full Student Ensemble
    • "Kids in America (Reprise)" - Full Student Ensemble
  3. "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" - Tiffany, Cyndi, Mel and Kim with Female Student Ensemble
  4. "Footloose" - Michael, Billy, and Huey with Male Student Ensemble
  5. "Mickey" - Tiffany, Cyndi, Mel and Kim
  6. "Michael's Election Rap" - Michael
  7. "Video Killed the Radio Star" - Feargal with Laura and Debbie
  8. One of the following songs:
  9. "Let's Hear It for the Boy" - Laura, Debbie and Eileen
  10. "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" - Corey, Jr. and Michael
  11. "You Give Love a Bad Name" - Corey, Sr.
  12. "You Give Love a Bad Name (Reprise)" - Mr. Cocker
  13. "Man in the Mirror" - Mr. Cocker and Miss Brannigan with Full Student Ensemble

Act Two

  1. One of the following songs:
  2. "Dancing on the Ceiling" - Corey, Jr., Featured Female Singer and Lionel with Full Student Ensemble
  3. "Love Shack" - Corey, Jr., Featured Female Singer and Lionel with Full Student Ensemble
  4. "Love Shack (Reprise)" - Full Student Ensemble and Lionel
  5. "Total Eclipse of the Heart" - Corey, Jr. with Miss Brannigan
  6. "Nine to Five" - Kim, Mel, Cyndi and Tiffany
  7. "Walking on Sunshine" - Eileen with Laura and Debbie
  8. "Get Outta My Dreams, Get into My Car" - Michael and Tiffany with Ensemble
  9. "Centerfold" - Mr. Cocker with Full Student Ensemble
  10. "Lost in Your Eyes" - Eileen and Tiffany
  11. "Never Gonna Give You Up" - Billy with Three Female Backup Singers
  12. "Material Girl" - Cyndi with Male Ensemble
  13. "Don't Worry, Be Happy" / "Come On Eileen" - Corey, Jr, Kirk and Alf
  14. One of the following songs:
    • "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go (Reprise)" - Featured Male Singer
    • "The Final Countdown" - Featured Singer
  15. "(I've Had) The Time of My Life" - Corey, Jr. with Tiffany, Miss Brannigan with Mr. Cocker, and Fergal with Eileen
  16. "Back to the 80's Megamix!" - Full Ensemble


Back To The 80's requires only a small band of musicians to perform. Instruments needed are: two keyboards, an electric bass guitar, an electric guitar, a drum kit, an alto saxophone or a tenor saxophone, a trombone and a trumpet.[3]


  1. ^ Show Website
  2. ^ "Back To The 80's...THE TOTALLY AWESOME MUSICAL!". Retrieved 2007-11-12. 
  3. ^ "Back to the 80's on Music Theatre International". Music Theatre International. Retrieved 2011-01-01. 

External links